The Biblical Apprentice Class

Saturday, May 7th, I attended and spoke at the Nehemiah Project's First Annual Biblical Apprentice class for youth in Portland, Oregon.  All together, there were 29 students (from private Christian schools and home schools) between the ages of 11 and 18.  Both "The Heavens Declare" and "Light of the World" were for sale at the event.  I spoke at the end of the lunch time, sharing testimony about my experiences writing and publishing.  To make my testimony more memorable and encouraging, I made a PowerPoint presentation with my four points.  (Notice they form the acronym "IDEA.")


I have learned to…

- Identify calling

- Develop skills

- Earnestly seek counsel

- Always stay focused


I was able to both give and take, because not only did I have opportunity to share my story, but the Biblical entrepreneurship training was invaluable.  Being guided in actually formulating a business plan from scratch was terrific, and the vision for a particularly Christian approach was clearly and motivationally cast by both Mr. Tsague and Mr. Madore.


More about the Nehemiah Project here: