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Do you realize you can enter our drawing for a FREE autographed copy of "The Heavens Declare" as many times as you like?  Whenever you do one of the things on the list, you can enter the drawing again!  Click the button in the sidebar to get started.  To make linking to us easy, we've provided the code for a handy button in our sidebar.  Use it anywhere on your blog or website.

E-mail from a Home Educating Mom

"I thought your book was very encouraging.  I thought the chapter where the family was stuck in the cabin due to the rain, was appropriate to all life's situations.  When the children started feeling sorry for themselves because they could not do what they wanted to do or felt that they were entitled to, was very "real life."  You brought their situations back to scripture and quoted Romans 8:28.  I felt that if we applied that scripture to every situation throughout our days, our joy would not be robbed, and we would never grow weary.  God has orchestrated all situations and they are used for His purpose to work together for His good.


Your book was an excellent reminder to me that God is in control of all details and situations.  The chapter, "Distant Giants-the Gaseous Planets" gave me a great peace. Thank you!"

Great Way to Spread the News!

Have you entered the drawing for a FREE autographed copy of "The Heavens Declare"?  You can enter the drawing if you have done any of a number of things including: e-mailing 5 friends, posting on a blog or web site, or posting on a Yahoo! group.  (Click the link at right for more details.)  Each time you do one of these and fill out the form, you will be entered in the drawing.

Review: 12-year-old Boy Recommends "The Heavens Declare"

The book, "The Heavens Declare: Five Children, Eight Planets, One God," is a very good book to read.   I enjoyed it very much.  I learned Pluto has a moon the same size as it, Jupiter is the biggest planet and has the shortest days, and Neptune has the longest year.  I would highly recommend it for all ages!

~ Timothy (12)

Proof Copy Has Arrived

The proof copy of "The Heavens Declare" arrived this morning.  That leaves only a few steps to making it available for purchase.  Beginning now, you can enter a drawing for a FREE autographed copy of the book.  Click the link at the top of the side bar, and follow the instructions.

Review: Both Interesting and Entertaining

"My favorite chapter is "The Planet of His Dreams –Mercury." I like Brian's dream in chapter one because it was funny and I learned new information... I would recommend this book to anyone who likes astronomy or stories!  I enjoyed this book very much."

~ Kelby (10)

"The Heavens Declare" Board Game

In addition to working on the sequel about light, I have been developing a downloadable board game for "The Heavens Declare."  See a thumbnail of the board above.  (Shhh... moms, don't tell your kids: this game will provide a review after reading the book.  The cards ask questions regarding the planets, and each time a player answers a question correctly, they get to advance one space.  You might call it a 'living' science review!)

Have You Seen Venus?

Venus is visible in the night sky right now; look for it around dusk.  As mentioned in "The Heavens Declare," it is the second brightest object in the night sky.  If you have access to a telescope, you can look at Venus just like the Edwards family does in the book.  And, speaking of the book, the proof copy is on its way!

The Living Book is about to Become Alive

Writing: complete

Editing: complete

Illustrations: complete

Layout: complete

Cover design: complete

File upload: complete

Now I'm just waiting on a proof copy... the 'living' science book about astronomy is on its way to publication!  Remember to watch for a countdown here on the website.  In the meantime, spread the word.  E-mail your friends, tell your homeschool group, and use the button in the sidebar to link to us.  Above all, pray that the Lord would bless the publication of "The Heavens Declare: Five Children, Eight Planets, One God."

Review: 13-year-old Enjoys Many Aspects

"The Heavens Declare is a well-written book that fabulously mixes wholesome and exciting family life with interesting facts about the solar system.  We greatly enjoyed reading about this well-developed, real-life Christian family as they found the joy in learning about each planet during a fun camping trip--complete with a pinecone war, storm, and meeting a Christian forest ranger and his family.  We learned so much about the solar system in a way that was free from the lies of evolution, while at the same time was uplifting the values of a Christian homeschooling family.  It would be nice if there were more books like this one.  It truly makes learning a joy!"

~Emily (13)


Review: "The Heavens Declare" was Successful

"This is an awesome way to learn astronomy for young children.  We just finished a whole unit in astronomy this year and I think we learned as much about the solar system in a way that is fun and more easily retained.  This book very creatively intertwined interesting information about the planets in the context of normal family life."

~Homeschooling mother of 7